Joy to your world

A waterlogged Christmas tree.

Could that be what I need?

 Sea swirls shine,

Soothing days.



Florida’s famous Christmas Trees on coral reef, courtesy of the U.S. NOAA

When I lived alone away from home & experienced Christmas for the first time in my new town, I visited a tree and plant seller space that showcased native, natural ideas.  I soaked up Holiday Spirit in their fragrant urban woods, which reminded me of how to feel wonderful in the outdoors. I saw how decorating the outdoors for feasting birds can bring  December joy even to apartment dwellers.And that even tying ribbons around a bare tree could make it yours.

Then, a visit to our downtown chain of parks brought me to look up at the row of Grandmother Live Oak Trees that parade, lit this month, block after block, giant candles in the night. A wave of warmth wrapped up my heart for this new hometown. I didn’t have a tree in my apartment, unlike the tradition all my child days, but Christmas arrived to me in so many lovely ways. When I returned to this town with my young family, we bought a little live cedar tree from that wonderful plant place, Native Nurseries, for our first Christmas here. Today it’s a 90-foot beacon of green, a fragrant wall of our back yard., a playhouse for squirrels & a food source for select birds who find bugs on branches. In season it shelters jays, cardinals, wrens, crows, sparrows, warblers, owls & an unknowable night creatures, especially those who forage on its needle softened ground in the night. I love that tree.

So how about that very wet Florida outdoor scene?   Perpetual underwater Christmas Trees! Many of them. In miniature. Created in a way that is unexpected! Although I’m not a snorkeler or SCUBA person, I love seeing images of this natural beauty [where there is healthy tropical salt water] existing day & night.   [link about the foto above, is below.]

Switching geography, I look at a different picture & smile at how the Heavens over North Earth bring an array of undulating sky lights. We are fortunate to have this gift of a photograph from Iceland, taken this year in chilly February by our adventuring daughter & wonderful son-in-marriage.


Air collects speeding

green shimmer



Sun’s Body Electric


down to Earth.


Welcome awe,

illuminating our

Wonder World.


 As you celebrate your own holidays of this season, maybe you will be pleasantly outdoors & look down to peer through the ice glass beauty of a pond. Or perhaps. your look will be up, to collect sweet air, glance at your precious sky, feel that you want to treasure each breath of yours, Your Breath a holiday gift, given just to You. Wishing more Joys to your World.

Welcome to #PoetryFriday, a virtual celebration of words crafted into poems, hosted this time by MichelleKoganArt.  I’ve just received my order of her fabulous hand-painted note cards & paper bookmarks, which  float out the door today  in postal mail for #slowchristmas cheer.

my links today

Michelle Kogan Art

Native Nurseries



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18 responses to “Joy to your world”

  1. Jan, I’ve never heard of coral Christmas trees before. I’m entranced!

    Your “Sun’s Body Electric” haiku is a wonder. I hope to get to Iceland someday.

    Liked by 1 person

    • YOU would create electric, kinetic word images from Iceland ~ hoping for that magic journey for you!

      Wishing you much Light in this week of Hanukkah Joy.

      Appreciations for these kind words about my words.


  2. That coral reef Christmas tree image is fabulous, such gorgeous colors, and I love your shine-filled poem Jan. How about your wonderful little 90 foot cedar tree, that’s brought you and all the critters so many gifts, what a treasure. We have a scotch pine that started out at 3″ and now is above the height of our 2-flat building…Thanks also for your fanciful Northern lights pic and illuminating poem!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, thank-you for this, Jan. It was just the joy I needed, today. 🙂 (And I see we have Christmas tree worms in Queensland, on the Great Barrier Reef. They’re so fascinating and pretty.) May they all swirl and shine as they soothe our reefs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kat, How SCUBA-Doovy to have yet another aspect of this Wonder World in common with you.

      Apprecitations for these lovely words of the bringers of tiny Christmas trees, on your famous famous reef!


    • Hello from our #slowChristmas here in Florida, Patricia. Your Sierras sojourn sounds like an adventure that could produce stories, fotos, poems, drawings, song & more creativity with that Grand of yours. It always warms my heart to learn of a love of Mother Earth, actively shared & passed along with the next generations. Appreciations so much for sharing this. This reaffirms H O P E.

      Many wishes for a sunny & tasty time among Nature in the ancient mountains.


  4. Jan, you are such a lover of the earth, life, and poetry. It is so good to hear from you. I hope you are well. Thank you for sharing your stories, poems, and beautiful images. May your days be filled with Florida sunshine and peace.


    • Hello dear Carol, who has understood me from the GetGo. Appreciations for these beautiful words. Yes, I’m doing fine with my health plan & feel fortunate to have walked among ravines & winding sand-sand bottom clear creeks recently, with my dear Family. [ and this is North Florida, you SouthFla Gal! :)]


  5. Sending joyous holiday thoughts your way! I love the story of your 90 foot tree and all the life and love it has given, but also the underwater trees and the green electric skies! Happiness abounds!

    Liked by 1 person

    • This long noodle of a state is so fascinating on top & under water, also inside sinkholes, caverns, flowing underground aquifer] & above [NASA.]
      Wishing you & Your Family all the Holiday Best, also, Joanne 🙂


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