Please consider that JGANNINO/ she/her [Jan Godown Annino’s ]non-fiction books or anthology contributions may be in your nearby wonderful public  library. In fact, try there first. Support our public libraries by checking out my books, even if you intend to buy. Book circulation statistics help libraries build their budgets.

SHE SANG PROMISE, The Story of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper, is offered via indie bookshops such as:

The NATURE poet pages at BOOKSHOP. ORG

Here are JG’s poetry book pages. Also reached via glow page on this site.

And, It is always wonderful to seek out an independent bookstore.

In Florida, ask for my books at your favorite walk in shop, such as


 DOWNTOWN BOOKS and PURL – I photographed this indie’s shop sign for original MIDTOWN READER 

In Southwest Georgia, please visit
In GThe Bookshelf

Family books from Falcon/GlobePequot include, SCENIC DRIVING FLORIDA, FLORIDA’s FAMOUS ANIMALS & FAMILY FUN in FLORIDA. JG contributed poetry to Milkweed Editions’  The Book of the Everglades, frequently at Barnes & Noble. Also at B&N, JG”s lyrical poem introduction to the poetry collection of Audrey Parente, ON ANY DARK & SPOOKY NIGHT, can fly out out fast to you.

She Sang Promise is a lyrical, narrative non-fiction book that earned endorsement from American Indians In Children’s Literature. ALA, National Council on the Social Studies, U.S. Library of Congress Book Festival & Florida Book Awards. Selected as social justice book for children,  it also serves as a literature mentor text, as explained by Virginia education specialist Marcie Flinchum Atkins.                                                                                                                                                     

More on SHE SANG PROMISE: The Story of Betty Mae Jumper, Seminole Tribal Leader. It introduces all-age readers to a child who wanted to learn to read. She grew up outdoors in the 1920s-1930s,  with a loving accomplished cattle-owning family who helped her realize her dream even though it ran against their traditions.  Betty Mae Jumper also wrestled alligators. And she did much more, becoming the first woman elected leader of her people & establishing modern health care as a trained nurse.

Jan Godown Annino/Lisa Desimini/Moses Jumper, Jr

The beautiful illustrations are from LISA DESIMINI .
The afterword is from poet Moses Jumper, Jr., longtime elder in the Seminole Tribe of Florida and honored Tribe Justice.

Lisa Desimini’s artwork? It makes me feel as if I’ve entered a small special art gallery, one that is outdoors, in fresh sunny air, when I look at her paintings for this book. The afterword letter to children that begins with the word, “Estonko,” (read the story to see what that means), is from poet Moses Jumper, Jr., who is Betty Mae Tiger Jumper’s son. Please visit the Seminole Tribe of Florida and Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki, the Tribe’s museum, where inside this lovely museum’s shop, all of Betty Mae Jumper’s books are sold. She created LEGENDS OF THE SEMINOLES, with artist Guy LaBree for Pineapple Press. With noted historian & Seminole Photographic Archives curator Patsy West, she created her autobiography, A SEMINOLE LEGEND University Press of Florida.

Selected reviews: SHE SAN PROMISE Kirkus Reviews: “Short poetic stanzas join jewel-toned illustrations to sing the satisfying story of Betty Mae Tiger Jumper.” School Library Journal: “This book will serve as a wonderful addition to studies of the contributions Seminoles have made – and continue to make – and will also add to the growing number of biographies of women whose strong leadership has made a difference in the lives of many people.” Booklist: “This picture book biography tells her story in a dramatic present-tense narrative that blends details of her life with the historical struggle of her people.” Reading Rockets called She Sang Promise  a  BIG SUMMER READ

JG Annino’s projects include:

FLORIDA’s FAMOUS ANIMALS The stories behind the headlines for 13 real animals in the Sunshine State. B/W photos, sidebars, index.

florida on my mind A lovely photography book, with my research into vivid famous and little-known quotations

BOOK of THE EVERGLADES  An interview with Betty Mae Tiger Jumper & verbal snapshots of some of the unintentionally hilarious attempts at Everglades trekking in the 1800s.

THE SOUTHEAST & PIEDMONT: A LITERARY FIELD GUIDE My poem from history, about bears on the beach, from Milkweed Editions

SCENIC DRIVING FLORIDA in its 3rd edition. Back routes, a ferry ride, a high bluffs view, a walk-in cave for weddings, a natural waterfall [in Florida!] old trails near our less-known marshy shores, which run along a treasured coastline that should forever be overflowed with clean, clear water.

FAMILY FUN in FLORIDA Out of print, available from select booksellers. Indian mounds to ponder, science & nature centers, a fine art museum with an entire wing for children & similar treats emphasizing the outdoors, nature , traditions, culture & underrepresented history. Family Fun in Florida, which the whole family loved creating, follows our many vacations.

I’m also honored to have contributed scenic drive & historic postcard chapters  to a venerable referece THE FLORIDA HANDBOOK .