one little word

Happy 2020 & all that jazz.

Bookseedstudio is present as often as possible for #PoetryFriday& #SpiritualThursday,

For Poetry Friday’s line up, please visit #KidlitosphereCentral,  for the 2020 calendar.

Vegetable papers

I crack open an unsalted, roasted peanut case to gently pull red-amber skin from each little nut.  And I peel large garlic clusters, which look like little trolls. First, pick at the troll-top head, to begin a thin-striped, white-paper, wide outer curl. With a paring knife, pull at the plastic-looking inner paper, releasing what for me (& not most others!) is a joyful aroma. Finally, I turn to these less frequently, but I relish separating Vidalia onions from their sunrise-colored skins.

THE paper

The news on paper I collect at the end of our drive is a morning ritual. Walking outside, stretching up to the dark sky, bending down for the precious free-press, unfettered critic and reporting cylinder of my life’s training and profession, walking back through the screened porch, are as essential to my morning as much as are stretches, song (“rise up this morning, smile at the rising sun“) & delicious warm Egyptian licorice tea.

With her weekly local newspaper column, Rev. Candace, who I have met only once, reaches me with calm advice. On Dec. 28 she reminded me that 2020 is the street # for my ocular MD’s office. Whether by clever developer manipulation or serendipity, this sprawling newer building sits at its ideal street number. How many of us desire the clarity of 20/20 vision?

“Vision and clarity is the prayer of many for our nation, for our state, for our community, for our families, and for ourselves,” Rev. Candace wrote, wishing every reader a year of clear vision, of clarity, in 2020.

This sent me back to the paper pages of two of my December 2019 reads, Mint Snowball and also, Voices in the Air, new to me, each created by Naomi Shihab Nye. Her words prompt a cascade of “ah, ha” &  “O, My” feelings.

Her verses wrinkle my face with crinkled eyes and a deep grin at her wry humor, or her lines release my sudden intake of breath at her pairings of words about about the poignant, the painful. Reading her poem collections make me appreciate the next youngster on the park bench dribbling mustard down his front. Closing a volume from Naomi Shihab Nye  helps me rise, to clear out the unnecessary, the forced, the unwanted. To invite in the invigorating moment that is as near as crackling garlic paper and feathery onion skin.

from “Time’s Low Note” by Naomi Shihab Nye in VOICES IN THE AIR

A peony has been trying/ to get through to you


One more reference – I love to find the plenty that my friend Lisa Desimini, illustrated. in NSN’s FAMOUS.

As if Rev. C & Poet NSH & Lisa Desimini aren’t handy wands enough, to shabazz! my one little word into existence as 2020 guide, when I flitted online for mentions of Voices in the Air, I found this “ah, ha” – Live your Poem/ Irene Latham

Plenty is my 2020 one little word. There is plenty plenty plenty in this world. Plenty moments with a peanut skin. Plenty joy on a park bench. Plenty helpers, especially massing among the vibrant young. Plenty connections. Plenty. This idea of plenty armors my spirit against plenty of worries that I won’t let consume me, which would render me frazzled.

During the holidays my husband & luxuriated in three hours – 3! – viewing real-time visions, sea potato clumps of delight, which exist through efforts such as #SaveOurSprings, #SaveTheManatees, in my beloved fracking-endangered, oil-drilling threatened, Florida. Plenty. 2020. They fit.

Young one & Mother, #BlueSpringsStatePark#SaveTheManatee
c. 2019allrightsreservedJGAnnino


For more moments with this week’s Spiritual Thursday contributors, please visit my friend Margaret Simon. For same, with Poetry Friday contributors, please visit Poetry Friday friend, Carol Wilcox. You’ll be glad you did.

c. 2019 JanGodownAnnino/JGAnnino









22 responses to “one little word”

  1. Plenty is such a wonderful choice. Wishing you a year of plenty. Ruth,


  2. What a great choice for your OLW: plenty! It leaves me smiling. It also reminds me of an old movie… might you remember it… The God’s Must Be Crazy? In it, a Coca-Cola bottle is dropped in the Kalahari desert, where there was always a multitude of everything until that one bottle invaded. Then, yes, the tribe thought that the God’s must be crazy to send down just one of a kind, and since it was causing fights over who had ownership, one person was tasked with throwing it off the end of the world. If you have not seen it, I would recommend. It is old but fabulous. I look forward to your further thoughts on plenty, and wish you a Happy New Year.


    • O dear Karen! Appreciations for your mention of this film! It makes me want to see it again & relearn
      the simple things lessons. I also remember the sly humor directed so aptly at Want-All-Things cultures.
      More thanks for your visit.


  3. Plenty, you’ve given us plenty to contemplate with this post. And your mention of NSN reminded me that I have an ARC of her new book, Cast Away, coming out in Feb. Pulling it off the shelf because poetry provides me with plenty. I’ve requested Famous (for me) and also Dot, the Fire Dog (for my grandson). I love that you still collect the news on paper daily. We do too! I love how plenty will armor your spirit! May your heart continue to be filled with plenty in this new year!


    • These connections are a joy to know, dear Ramona. I’m glad to introduce you to the Nye/Desimini collaboration, FAMOUS. It’s a treasure.
      And I predict much kiddie love for DOT THE FIREDOG. I love it & I’m not even a dog person. Appreciations for this lovely note.


  4. Happy “2020”, Jan. I imagine, like that building’s address, we may discover more connections with this wonderful new year’s number. You have given us ‘plenty’ in your post that celebrates your OLW. I enjoyed it very much this early morning wakening, ready for my own little trolls & making soup for the week!


  5. This post is such a rich sensory experience! Your vegetable papers left me yearning to slice, dice, and deeply inhale–to focus on the sensory wonders that I all too often stumble past, in my hurry to finish up, get to the next thing, cross something off my list. Have you read NSN’s poem “The Traveling Onion”? If not, I think you’d enjoy it! I love that your focus on plenty isn’t about accumulation, but about appreciation. Here’s to a year of listening to peonies and finding plenty to notice, appreciate and celebrate in our world.


  6. A fascinating word choice wrapped in such vivid images; I can almost smell and taste the peanuts and sweet Vidalias, can feel the crinkly garlic “paper.” The choice of that line of a peony trying to get through to us… oh, if only we will be still long enough to notice. Yes, there’s more than plenty to go around. There’s inconceivable abundance. Beautifully thought-provoking, restorative post.


  7. Plenty is not only your one word, Jan, but your post offers plenty of sensory images and a variety of beauty. May 2020 be filled with plenty of experiences for you to write about and spread the love of earth and life.


    • Good Friday morn, dear Carol! This is so sweet of you. I appreciate this Blessing & hope to learn you will be visting my state in 2020. Even if we can’t connect then, it’s always nice to know you grace our coastline. xox

      Liked by 1 person

      • Many smiles & well-delivery wishes for the o-so-soon January 8th dear Carol.
        I remember mention you made once, of doing yoga poses on a Florida beach.
        It will be a treat to have you writing of Florida again some day.


  8. Jan, this is such beautiful writing…it reads like a dream. I love how you love. Deep, with feeling and sincerity that not everyone can demonstrate. Bless you in this year. I am enriched by the plenty of your friendship.


    • Linda of the magical library! Appreciations for these kind witds,
      with plenty of warm Highlights Foundation memories, on top.

      I will look look forward to traveling to your always-nourishing A Word Edgewise.

      Happy 2020!


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