A little green

We are part of POETRY FRIDAY so if you are hunting the host, travel to the bayou with Margaret hosting Reflections on the Teche.


But also welcome to Bookseedstudio’s bloom time plant time.

Here we are inching toward being torreya guardians, nurturing a rare babe of an ancient species of North Florida that is so special it has its own website. We felt lucky to cart a fringed creature off in our haul from Birdsong’s Olde Timey Plant Sale.

We also planted a tough-leaf kumquat, gift of my dear father-in-law, who dug it up for transplant. And he is a hardy species himself, at age 95+ (we won’t exactly say….) Among groundlings we planted from seed, color pop zinnia and yellow-flower cucumbers push the dirt down in the ground around and lift their eyes to the sky. The established blueberries, Meyer lemons, aloe, jasmine, gardenias, penta, and likely some chlorophyllic creatures I’ve forgotten to mention, each of them tickle our fancy.


A little green in the scheme

On a postage-stamp plot or even in a clay pot

a little green

in the scheme of things



means more green growing 

in this world of

plastic and concrete


means green growing things

set up shop within eyesight

tiny oxygen factories

serve a light lunch to


who can’t ever expect to prospect for

a meal

with a cents-off coupon

in concrete glass plastic




Mother’s Day love with knowledge that everyone came from Mother, everyone knows a dear Mother, everyone can mother our precious Planet….




22 responses to “A little green”

  1. I am left thinking so much about how green and dirt are good for our souls. Every year I plant a garden, and whenever I head off to work in it, I start out with gloves but end up bare handed. Turns out dirt has beneficial bacteria, and being around green plants increases our oxytocin levels. Our mother really does take care of us if we take care of her.


    • So encouraging, though, when you visit a native nursery or even a more commercial garden center, people are planting trees, bushes, everything. More than I remember seeing at these way stations for the hopeful green adoptees. Thanks for your kind words, Christie.


  2. Love your post! I am a fan of mothering plants. Would love to get a tour of yours someday! I received some terrarium plants for Mother’s Day and one of them has sent a sprout out of the terrarium already. It seems to be making a break for it — maybe I am not terrarium-ing correctly…


    • O my, a potent word you toss out – terrarium. Maybe you will create a post on yours? I have not had one in years & years. They are such complete universes. Makes me think of the biosphere in Arizona where all the people were sealed inside a mini-Earth. Sounds as if your break-out is looking for a new glass dome home? If you are anywhere near me some time, please let me know in advance. In fact, I feel we in PF should start thinking about a get-together. (But I always fail as an organizer…) I would love to give you that tour.


  3. Jan, “green” is the color of Poetry Friday musings this week as far as you, Linda B., and I are concerned. I am a little late to comment but it is nice to take some time to savor the lovely posts and thoughts that follow. How often do I forget about this important feature of the environment: “tiny oxygen factories”? Thanks for the reminder and the lovely photos of spring!


    • Hey dear Michelle. I am honored to see you here, bizee bizee one, off at the National Haiku hoe-down & working on your next great interview/keen prompts post. You race to the end before so many of us have even tied our sneakers! Much fondness.


  4. It seems these days we have to be more intentional about creating space for green. Your flowers look so lovely. Some are familiar, like jasmine and zinnia.


  5. I wrote about ‘green’ today too, Jan! We are of the same celebratory mind these wonderful days. I always feel so good about the plants helping make our lives and the planet healthier. Love “the scheme of things” & “tiny oxygen factories”.


  6. Hello Poetry Friend, I love your GREEN celebration….yes, all the green we can plant becomes tiny oxygen factories for us. Isn’t that wonderful? I hope I can be a tough kumquat one day…I aim to. Your photos are as lovely as they are life affirming. It is a pleasurable visit to Bookseeds as usual.


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