
November evokes warm good feelings and smiles. It’s my anniversary month with my hubby who made my heart melt because he was game enough to put on a silly wig and dress up with me for Halloween with friends who also did the favor of dressing up & reciting original scary tales or poems or reading favorite traditional spoofy pieces. It carried me into November the way I like it to be – a full month of giving thanks, not just on the significant Nov 27.

For several years, where I’m a volunteer picture book reader in a school I love, I’ve shared poems that are written about thanks and thanks-giving,  from authors of First Peoples/Native American/American Indian heritage.

Some of the resources I turn to are:

THE CIRCLE OF THANKS: Native American Poems and Songs of Thanksgiving told by Joseph Bruchac (Abenaki) with pictures by Murv Jacobs


THE EARTH UNDER SKY BEAR’S FEET: Native American Poems of the Land, collected and told by Joseph Bruchac (Abenaki), and illustrated by Thomas Locker

ENDURING WISDOM, Sayings from Native Americans, selected by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve, with paintings by Snythia Saint James.

Each is beautifully illustrated and look like jewels, sitting open on the top of a child-height bookcase.

Additionally Joseph Bruchac features original poems at his site. Further, I find materials that expand on the topic, from these four resources, previously mentioned on this Bookseedstudio site.

Many poems for children speak to a keen awareness of animals, trees and plants, land, or the Earth itself, rivers, lakes and sky, particularly during what Joseph Bruchac calls, “the living night.”

Because we are anticipating the homecoming of our daughter for Thanksgiving, which she hasn’t been able to celebrate with us for many years, I especially relate to these lines, from THE CIRCLE OF THANKS:

“As I play my drum

I look around me

and I see my people.

And my people are dancing

in a circle about me

and my people, they are beautiful.”

(Micmac, Northeast Coast)

copyright Joseph Bruchac

I am thankful for poets, for teachers, for the children’s literature community, for Poetry Friday creators, and for every breath I take. And of course, for my Family.




19 responses to “Appreciations”

    • Wow – if you can weave them into class on such a short notice – wonderful!
      We are anticipating all the favorite foods – that she will make for us.
      She is a top-shelf baker, especially her maple pecan pie.
      Thankful for your sweet visit, Linda!


  1. Thanks for sharing these resources, Jan. November also evokes warm feelings and smiles in our household — not only because of Thanksgiving, but because it’s a birthday month — my husband, me, and my Dad (who’s turning 100)! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Birthday pie, cookies, ice cream sundaes & cake to all of you – you are a birthday people party in entirety!
      And an especially big helping of everything to JamaDAD! Wowza, I hope I can match him some day.


    • Happy Birthday to ALL of you! Our Aunt Rose just turned 100 this past year, too. Amazing! And my sister-in-law and I also have bdays this month, then we have a run through Dec. & Jan. too! lol


  2. Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous words. I’m especially taken by your sentence that ends with the idea of “the living night.” How wonderful that your daughter will be with you for Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

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